TL;DR Please apply to the UCSD CSE Fellows Post-doctoral Scholars Program, applications due July 30, 2021.
We would like to announce the UCSD CSE Fellows program for 2021-22. This program seeks to recruit 1-3 talented postdoctoral scholars to CSE. Each postdoc will be hired for a 2-year position, with a salary between 61-65k per year. The goal of this program is to attract new ideas and talents to UCSD CSE and thus we particularly encourage applicants whose PhD work was done elsewhere.
The fellowship is open to students who will have graduated from a doctoral program by the end of 2021, and are able to start the fellowship in San Diego in either Fall 2021 or Winter 2022.
Following the CIFellows model, each application must be paired with one (or more) UCSD CSE faculty mentors who will be named by the applicant. We encourage interested faculty to seek out potential applicants. Faculty who are already potential mentors for the CIFellows program should encourage their mentees to apply to this program as well.